
Where we love is home – home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts!

As we closed our session last week, the ladies were invited to share prayer needs for our ministry team to take to our Father during the following week. Our Team takes prayer seriously, and it is such an honor to pray over these dear ones who have gathered, seeking The Lord in a deeper way.

As I began praying through this tender list, I noticed that every single request involved “heart and home” desires.

The heart, biblically speaking, is considered the seat of life or strength. Our individual hearts house our mind, soul, spirit – our entire emotional nature resides in our HEART.

God’s design of the woman’s heart is beautifully complex – embracing passions, desires, and dreams. And at the center of the blueprint of the woman God designed, we find the definition of “home”.

Here’s my thought on how a woman views her home;

HOME – both a place and a feeling. It’s the sense of peace and joy of loved ones gathered together. It’s a place where people know they’re welcome and feel loved and secure in that environment.

Yes. Truly. . . home is where the heart is.

Physically, our life’s blood pumps through our heart.

Spiritually, the Blood of Christ pumps through our heart.

It makes sense that the woman’s heart holds the KEY to emotional and victorious living through Jesus. We, as God’s women, CONNECT the earthly status of our “hearts and homes” with the spiritual status of our resurrection power through Jesus our Lord.


There’s a fierce battle going on over the woman’s heart. Look how John Eldredge, author of The Journey of Desire, expresses it.

“We are at war, and the bloody battle is over our hearts. I am astounded how few Christians see this, how little they protect their hearts. We act as though we live in a sleepy little town during peacetime. We don’t. We live in the spiritual equivalent of a war-torn country. Act like it. Watch over your heart.”

God’s Word tells us the same.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23)

How do we watch over our heart? How exactly, do we guard it?

The answer is clear. God first, and EVERYTHING ELSE second. Seeking Him first is the safest and most productive way to guard your heart and to take care of those people and circumstances wreaking havoc in your life.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.”  (Matthew 6:33 HCSB

Friend, I don’t know how He does it, but God – by the fact of WHO HE IS, promises to honor you and carry you along victoriously when you seek Him first.

That’s His promise for you, and that’s His blessing for you.

One final thought. Things are not perfect here, nor will they ever be.

But one day, it’s all going to play out in God’s totally perfected and joyful plan. The trials and tribulations of THIS DAY will all be totally ok on THAT DAY!

“Just think of stepping on shore, and finding it heaven – of touching a hand, and finding it God’s – of breathing new air, and finding it celestial – of waking up in Glory, and finding it Home.”   (Don Wyrtzen)

Dear Father, bless each HEART reading this message. Lord, we long to “do it right” during this earthly walk. Sometimes, it’s just so very difficult to keep our faith alive and active when the turmoil is trying to take us under.Thank You that You understand it all. Thank You for never leaving us, but gently reminding us that One Day all will be made right. So; until that moment when we embrace our New and Final Home, keep us loving You and seeking You first -- before going nuts and jumping into action mode. Loving You Jesus. Amen.

Praying over your Heart and Home.