Real Time Faith Heroes

Real Time Faith Heroes

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation.” (Hebrews 11:1,2 ESV)

Hebrews 11 is known as that HALL of FAITH chapter. It provides an exposition on faith, highlighting various people from the Old Testament. The entire chapter emphasizes the power and the importance of faith in the lives of believers. Turn there and you’ll read about Abraham, Moses, Noah, along with others.

This morning as I was praying, it occurred to me that I am surrounded by present-day faith heroes! They, just like the Old Testament saints we read about in God’s Word, have struggled (and are struggling) through extremely difficult and life-altering circumstances.

Some of those I have been praying deeply over during the past month are listed:

~ daughter who is faithfully caring for her mother - denying herself rest, pleasure, a comfortable routine, and being the advocate for her mom as she consults doctors and others in the medical field for her best care options.

~ wife, faithfully sitting by her husband’s hospital bed – cheering him on and encouraging him with scripture and prayers. She leaves briefly to take care of things on the home-front and then returns to her “post” to be his cheerleader.

~ husband searching for a new life for himself after walking faithfully with his wife through an extended illness. She has now stepped into Heaven. 

~ friend who is valiantly battling brain cancer after she victoriously made it through a difficult battle with breast cancer.

~ friend who has forgiven her friend who has caused her much hurt and heartache.

~ sister-in-love who has suffered for many years with chronic pain and still forges on to do the things she needs to do, relying on God to help her overcome the physical with “His spiritual.”

~ sister caring for a sister who has had knee surgery and has no one to take care of her in the ways she specifically needs. 

~ wife, lovingly walking alongside her husband who has had a sudden diagnosis of leukemia.

~ daughter- care-giving for her mom, even though it calls for her to do things that are very uncomfortable for her to do.

~ friend who gets up and keeps going every time a new medical problem crashes in on her.

~ wife determined to give God the glory as she leaves behind a wonderful life with her husband and ministry, to start afresh in God’s new plan for her alone. Her husband simply stepped into the arms of Jesus following a brief illness.

In addition to these real life situations, there are others – just too many to list. It seems as though our Father is displaying His Glory through His children who are moving forward in faith from one day to the next.  He is providing examples in our day, to remind us that He will give us the power and the grace to step through anything that seeks to unravel us during our earthly walk.

Any one of those listed in the “present hall of faith”could be reacting differently to their horrible struggles. But thanks be to God they have chosen to move forward in trust, embracing the lifestyle of loyal disciples living in anticipation of Christ’s return.

Not always doing it perfectly - for that’s impossible until we reach our perfected glory – but pressing on toward the goal to take hold of Christ!

It’s inspiring to note two of the comments from a couple of our fellow-sojourners . . .

 “My prayer is to love Him with ALL my heart, share His love … and pay attention to Him!”

“I’m spending the night at the hospital so he’ll know the one who loves him most is helping the Lord watch over him. We all know that it’s the Lord’s perfect love that counts.”

FAITH – remarkably strong faith in action! Don’t you long to be that kind of Faith Hero?

We can choose to join our brothers and sisters in “today’s faith parade” humbly devoting ourselves to our Father until He calls us home or snatches us up to join Him in the clouds!

“And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.”  (Hebrews 11:6)

A final observation; the lives of those listed in the Hebrews HALL of FAITH chapter were filled with hardship and struggle. Their difficult times, at the end of it all, did not take them under. They persevered through their trials because their focus was not anchored in what they could see or what they endured, but in the Lord Jesus Christ.

This same FAITH is what impresses me about those living today honoring the Lord as they struggle.

Walking alongside them I’ve seen when their STRUGGLE appeared bigger than their FAITH. I’ve heard them speak of “love for God” at the same time they voiced, “I don’t know how I will make it.”

They have never denied the reality of the pain and suffering – nor does Jesus ever dismiss that reality. These warriors have simply grabbed hold of God’s Hand and held on as He continues to carry them through.

Consider what Jesus said to Thomas at the moment his belief came alive at seeing the risen Lord . . .

“The people who have faith in Me without seeing Me are the ones who are really blessed!” (John 20:29 CEV)

Jesus is talking about us! We are truly blessed when we believe and act out our belief by faith.

Here is my definition of a FAITH HERO . . . one who has been hit with unbearable and life-altering circumstances, but in the midst of the fiery trial determines to walk the road ahead with faith and trust knowing that God has a plan for them personally as He walks within them and before them.

What does it take to be a Faith Hero? Love Love Love. For the more you love Jesus, the more you trust Him and fix your eyes on your real life and real future.

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

“Dear Father, I’m inspired by the OT saints listed in Hebrews 11. I’m also inspired by those saints You have placed around me today – believers who love You and are fueled by Your love. I see them suffering, but not struck down. They are allowing the trial that engulfs them to transport them into faith and hope focusing on the eternal glory that is unseen by them at the present, but is surely awaiting them in their eternal home. That’s true for all of Your children, Lord. Help me to position myself as a Faith Hero - for troubles will surely come before we step into Your presence. In the meantime, I am choosing to fix my eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen – until that day I see You Face to face. Amen.”