New Name

“I will give the one who overcomes a white stone, and on the stone a new name is written that no one knows except the one who receives it.”  (Revelation 2:17)

There are divine mysteries in The Bible, and this one in scripture has captured my imagination for many years.

We overcome through Jesus!

The Name of Jesus is over depression, fear, and anxiety.

His Name wipes out worry and annihilates every negative thought that threatens to take hold of mind and emotions.

The Name of Jesus is over marriages, children, and extended families.

His Name is above every circumstance you face. There is nothing more important than His Name, CHRIST HIMSELF, living inside of you!

The Jesus Who speaks power, authority, extravagant love – is going to give YOU a new name that speaks of how you have overcome through Him.

It’s True.

It’s Crazy.

It’s a Holy Mystery, waiting to be revealed.

And as we wait and anticipate, we worship – longing for the day when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that . . .

Jesus Christ is Lord!